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LONGBO is a Chinese watch brand that was founded in 2002 in Guangzhou, China by the Guangzhou Wande Watch Co., Ltd. The brand specializes in producing fashionable watches for both men and women, and has become well-known both in China and internationally. LONGBO watches are often characterized by their simple yet modern designs, as well as their affordability. With a team of professional designers and product developers, LONGBO watches meet high standards of quality, making them a popular choice for customers worldwide.

What we believe

At LONGBO, we believe that everyone deserves to own a stylish and high-quality watch at an affordable price. We are committed to producing watches that not only look great, but also enhance the wearer’s confidence and sense of style. Our products are designed and crafted by professionals who prioritize skill and artistry, ensuring that each watch meets our high standards of quality.

The future

LONGBO will continue to offer trendy, high-quality watches that fit within your budget. We are dedicated to ensuring that our watches are safe for everyday wear and do not harm the environment. We will also continue to provide exceptional customer service to our clients, with a focus on meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations. Contact us today and let us help you find the perfect watch to elevate your style.

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